As an oily-skin woman, I understand the struggles of controlling acne and having healthy skin. It took time and effort for me to find the essential things that helped me achieve healthy skin. These are the things that I feel greatly helped my skin through these warm months. They keep me on point.
Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist or licensed professional. My advice is not a professional opinion and should not be taken as such.
Water, Water, & More Water
Drinking plenty of water is beneficial for your skin year-round. Especially in the summer months, hydration is not only essential for your skin but, also for your general health. Challenge yourself to increase your water intake. If you only take one thing from this article, drink plenty of water! It is so important.
A Deep Cleanser
This was a game-changer for me. I need a really great cleanser to get rid of all the oil and dirt. I use African Black Soap. I find that it cleans very well but is not so harsh on my skin.
Acne & Oil Control Moisturizer
To my fellow oily skin ladies, we need to moisturize our faces. It is necessary for healthy and youthful skin. I try to stay away from oil-infused moisturizers. I currently use a moisturizer from Shea Moisture from their African Black Soap line.
Oil-free Sunscreen
We all need to wear sunscreen! I do not care how old you are, how young you are, or what color you are. We all need to protect our skin from the sun’s rays. I use both facial and body sunscreen from SunBum. This is a wonderful choice for sensitive skin.
What are your summer skin essentials? Do you have any other great skincare tips? What are your thoughts? Let us talk about it! Leave a comment and let me know what is on your mind. If you have any suggestions for topics you want me to cover, let me know. I want to hear from y’all!
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Sis, God always has you and will never leave you!