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Different Ways I Journal During My Quiet Time

For me, writing helps me relax to my mind and mediate on what I am learning. Therefore, I absolutely love using journals. I use them for everything. I use them as planners, for note taking, for journaling, at work, and for anything else you can think of. If you could not tell by now, I’m obsessed. So, with this obsession, it is only fitting that a share with you some of the ways I incorporate journaling in my quiet time with the Lord.

What journals do I use?

I like to create my own outlines for my journals based on what I need at the time. When I purchase them, I go to Michael’s, Target, or Walmart. They all have a great selection of dotted, grid, lined, and blank journals with inspiring covers. I do receive them as gifts. (My friends and family know about my obsession.)

I write my morning thoughts.

Being someone who struggles with anxiety, journaling helps me to first write down all my thoughts in the morning as a prayer. As I write, I hand all my worries, fears, doubts, and anxieties over to the Lord. Doing this helps me to:

  1. Clear my mind of distractions so I can focus and heard from the Lord.

  2. Trust the Lord with what is troubling me.

I write quotes from my devotional lessons.

I write down the thoughts that speak the most to me during my devotions. It helps me to mediate on the lesson being taught. Bonus tip: I also try not to just copy but put what is being said in my own words.

I write my intentions in response to the lessons.

Because of my gifting of administration, this one is my favorite. This is where I get to plan, strategize, and dream how I can implement the lesson in my life. This is one of the ways I develop, update, and progress my goals.

I write my prayer list.

This is a great way for me to keep track of my prayer request and see God’s faithfulness through my answered prayers. It can be easy to feel like God does not hear your prayers when you can’t look back at what He has answered. It also, keeps me accountable to pray for others when I said I would.

I hope this was a help and gave you some inspiration on how you can incorporate journaling into your time with the Lord. If you are interested in knowing how a use journals in other areas of my life, let me know below or reach out on social media.

Have you trying any of these ways to journal? What is your favorite? What are your thoughts? Let us talk about it! Leave a comment and let me know what is on your mind. If you have any suggestions for topics, you want me cover, let me know. I want to hear from y’all!

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God always has you and will never leave you!

Photo: by Bookblock on Unsplash

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